Sign Up for the INCH360 Annual Conference

Learn about Cutting Edge Trends in the Industry

Learn about Cutting Edge Trends in the Industry

INCH360 is a group of cybersecurity and compliance experts who feel compelled to continue the work of several earlier education groups. Founded in 2023 to create an inclusive community for students, early professionals and seasoned professionals. Our approach emphasizes inclusivity, hands-on experience, and a commitment to community-building. We encourage collaboration and support for other community groups in Eastern Washington and North Idaho.

While many organizations have shifted to a virtual world, INCH360 is committed to the power of in-person connections. Our in-person training events, sponsored by local partners, offer hands-on learning, technical demonstrations, and the chance to engage with industry experts. It's an experience that transcends screens, allowing you to learn and better understand the resources available within the region.  

INCH360 isn't just a community; it's a movement. If you're ready to be part of the Inland Northwest's cybersecurity scene, join us today. Experience a community-driven approach that empowers, inspires, and transforms careers. Join INCH360, where the Inland Northwest cybersecurity future is being shaped, one member at a time.